Yvonne Sexton, President and CEO

Yvonne Sexton, PMP

Career and Leadership Coach

Life Coach

Wellness Coach

Yvonne Sexton is the Founder of Joyful Sisters Unite, a non-profit organization designed to empower women and break workplace cultural barriers for individuals through coaching services, training programs and networking opportunities

Yvonne is based in the Nashville, Tennessee area, although her work with Joyful Sisters Unite spans the east coast including Atlanta, Miami and Washington, DC. Joyful Sisters Unite is also launching a chapter in Houston, Texas.

She is an accomplished coach specializing in the area of career development and leadership training. For many years, Yvonne has coached aspiring and new leaders to help them achieve their goals and get their seat at the table. She is particularly passionate about assisting women in finding their voice and growing in their positions.

Yvonne’s vision stems from learning to navigate the workplace while linking arms with others who would benefit from her trials and her successes. Her desire to see women rise to victory professionally and personally is second to none. While Yvonne’s primary focus in coaching is career and leadership development, her coaching practice, Momentum Coaching Services, also offers life and wellness coaching options.

Joyful Sisters Unite is a team of women that truly enjoy the value of empowering other women. Yvonne and the rest of the Joyful Sisters Unite team willingly offer their time, talent and treasure to all the sisters our there who wish to move forward.




Check out our latest events

Joyful Sisters Unite events cross many different areas to suit our clientele. Local Chapter events occur regularly and workshops will be offered in person and online.

Our Other Contributors

Learn more about Joyful Sisters Unite contributors. Each brings their own gifts to the team and offer services designed to expand our reach.

Look for events and workshops featuring Joyful Sisters Unite contributors.

Lisa Hooks

Speaker, Coach, Talk Show Host “Power Fueled Living”

Terease Baker-Bell

Founder/CEO of Selinity Coaching, IT Executive

Valerie Bridgeforth

Celebrity Stylist, Owner of Fine Art International Salon in Nashville, Tennessee

Terri Carver

Educator, Entrepreneur, Dance Instructor, Real Estate

Maria Stanfield

Founder/CEO of My Sisters Closet, Life Coach

Yvonne Sexton

Career Development Coach, Leadership Training.